We can only hope that next year provides us with some respite and the opportunity to find light and flow but what if I were to tell you, you can have that right now if you want? Ha, well right now and judging by the feels that most of us are sharing especially within our framework where we spend our days asking people ‘HOW ARE YOU?’ Yeah, the responses haven’t been great so for us to say ‘well, that’s on you’ would probably tick most people off and rub them up the wrong way but, you’re here in THIS moment in time for a reason. Round and round we go and repeat repeat repeat history over and over if not with protagonist ‘X’ on ‘STAGE Y’ then by some other players but the themes and notions all the same.

Why is this? Well, as history repeats, so does time. It doesn’t work in the way we’re lead to believe where we think there is a line and from A to B we go. It isn’t like that at all, and once we realise we can work with time, manipulate time and bend it to our advantage then our entire reality changes. We get the AHA moment and we flip the script and start to realise that we can create anything that we want out of our lives and while that may sound utterly far out or fantasy let me tell you, MANY MANY people right now are doing this and achieving phenomenal results, experiences and goals out of life because they chose to look at it from a different angle. A new perspective

TIME! We wake up to the bell and from there on in, the day is set out for us. An orderly structure that must be met with compliance and routine with a few breaks throughout for us to recharge. Then the bell goes again. Home time and we get to slow down, ready to sleep the day off and repeat all over again the following. A scheduled existence is what we’ve grown accustomed to believe is normal and whether it is or not is not for us to say but, there has been a changing of the tides somewhat over the last few years where, after eons of now exhausting ourselves to meet the requirements of the ‘schedule’, people are finding that they’re sick of the clock, the bell and the damn order and want to follow the rhythm of nature with “circadian rhythm” being a popular movement and ‘hashtag’ that is creating an uprising, especially among those that have selected or been delegated to the WORK FROM HOME possibility. The tolling of the iron bell seems to be becoming a distant echo and we are finally starting to catch a glimpse of a new reality. A new wave of time


Have you noticed how FAST the time has gone over the last few years? With so many people saying they’ve no idea what day it is anymore let alone the time. It just doesn’t seem to make sense anymore and time is running away with us all. Well, funnily enough, that could be so. I know many people don’t like to hear about Bible reference or simply it could be that they don’t understand it but, it was said and prophecized that during the ‘END TIMES‘ things would play out in certain ways. Ways that sound much like the way our world has indeed been playing out now for some time. See, History repeats repeats etc, until something changes. Until either we change or until there’s a prophetic shift but as all of this madness outside of us plays out as scripture said it would, what does it mean, THE END TIMES?

Well, for those of us that play with time, history, philosophy, psychology and ask the questions on all of what it is we are and why we’re here and what to do, the way many seem to see it is that the end times is simply that. It is not ‘THE END OF THE WORLD‘ but it is the ‘END OF TIME – AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT‘ to now be replaced by some other measure yet to be known to us. For years now there has been this consideration for a reformatting of our calendars. Many quaff at this. How on earth can you alter a calendar? It surely is what it is and how it’s always been, right? WRONG! We have had so many different calendars depending on where we’re from: The Hebrew, Hellenic, Julian, Gregorian, Mayan, Egyptian, Chinese, Iranian etc etc and then they fall into types being lunisolar, lunar, solar and seasonal. Many times over time we have had alterations or new versions / adaptations of calendars that are introduced by whichever protagonist is playing centre stage at the time (The victor sets the rules for the next round) and on and on we go

But this TIME, something is different. This time, the victors will be numerous. There will be no one presiding lord to come in and shuffle the boxes around in HIS new castle. The biblical END TIMES suggest that actually, this time round, WE the mere mortals might actually get to the intended destination we were meant to reach millennia ago, except, we just kept F##ing it up. Could it be that this time, we might actually ‘get it right?’


All of these man made laws, ethics, legislations, restrictions etc have all been set by a bunch of, well who on earth knows but what is as clear as day to most of us now is that most of our laws and ethics and hugely unethical and should be astoundingly questioned. What is a way to make mass amounts of money and protect the roles of power in play by many throws the rest of us under the bus for the most part. How can this be changed? Again, if we were to consider the Bible for anything and during these times, religious or not, I would suggest you do, as it highlights future prophecies and timelines on exactly this downfall. Not our downfall but the downfall of a system that has hindered our ascension and evolution. To be replaced by what then?

Well, God did task Moses with passing on the 10 commandments to us but TIME and TIME again, we have monstrously failed to complete our tasks here by means of compliance to the creator and instead made up our own unscrupulous set of rules designed to play us all off against each other, the exact thing that the creator had warned us not to do so could it be that during the END TIMES we might actually start to take heed in the warnings of the ways and begin to put into practice what was intended for humanity? A rising of sovereignty and divine blessings to those that deliver on the acts of the covenant. And for this, you don’t have to attend church or declare yourself a party member of any such religious institution as again, we see that the ways of such man made entities have swayed us away from the real truth and the paths destined for us to follow which TIME and TIME again we have fallen trap to

The purpose of writing this message corresponds to our FEBRUARY TAKE THE LEAP WORKSHOP where we will be looking back over our individual / personal history and also our collective history and then looking ahead to what our futures look like. A blending of timelines designed to awaken us to who we are, where we have come from and what our purpose is here. Again, I stress this is not a religious lesson of any kind but I highlight the points of scripture (all scriptures regardless of origin speak the same truths and walk the same paths however are branded differently for the purpose of the creators lessons by which we must LEARN to unite rather than divide according to our sacred sovereignty and not what we are told to do by others that mislead us away from our true calling) – The importance of seeing the past and the future simultaneously are what help us to envision the present with awareness.

If you are someone interested in these concepts, journeys and discoveries then please do join us on our workshop as TIME throughout the leap year of 2024 is going to take a massive leap backwards and forwards so you’d better believe that where we’re going, it is now TIME to fasten our seat belts but be very aware to the fact that while the road will seem turbulent to many, those that have no concept of the consequence of purpose and value according to a greater and higher plan, to those of us prepared to endure the tasks on this pilgrimage to divine experiences and blessed awakenings then the very idea of a quantum leap into the future looks like an absolute heaven send and a one way ticket to the ultimate destination!


If every chapter of the book of your life was the same each time history repeats repeats repeats, it would be a pretty boring old book. This is not why we’re here! And if every time TIME took us down the same old roads to repeat repeat repeat the chapters over and over, it would make the point of being here utterly wasteful and useless so, as 2024 is incoming and let’s just have a quick consideration for the year of the WOOD DRAGON that according to the unfixed lunar calendar (the opposite of our fixed Gregorian solar calendar) will work wonders for opposing solar energy where anything solar based is projected to thrive. Think new tech, AI, cyber security and blockchain businesses that have strong ethical platforms and integral innovation will launch like a sky rocket providing the opportunity for many in these fields to create huge abundance and wealth. 2024 is set to be a game changing year for anyone looking to start new projects and set about to become innovators and problem solvers of things that are going to be dynamic ways for us to evolve our TIMELINE forwards so, as Doc said in BACK TO THE FUTURE “Where we’re going we don’t need roads” he is bang on the buck here as 2024 is a year to learn to FLY like a dragon into the future but with a grounding earth influence making sure that you don’t take off and struggle to get ‘back down’

So, where are you heading? What direction are you going to take because 2024 is the year of the karmic crossroads. The path you decide to take will pave the way for your next X amount of years because TIME from here on in will not look or feel anything like it has done before. TIME is now quantum. It is fluid and if you want to learn to ride the wave and not fall off you’d better take heed about what your goal is here. Who you are and why? RISE UP to the tasks and stop giving your power away to those that don’t have your best interests at heart. Start owning your life as the creator intended and create the life you were destined to lead!

So, just to finish off this post on TIME, I will leave you with a couple of classics from an age way back when that most won’t have heard of, many don’t remember or those that do may have forgotten but here’s some golden oldies for those of you considering TIME and how it changes our paths and how we can use it to our best advantage! Aaaaaagh my goodness the lyrics of these songs! PLS LISTEN…TRULY HEAR THEM!



What are your thoughts on TIME and the end times?

What does the future look like to you?

Are you ready to become a creator that uses the power of time to manifest abundance and a higher life?

You can follow our facebook page which is now live for thoughts and comments on such topics as here at SOMALIFE we love the weird and wonderful. We love to discuss the journey from every angle as we believe that science, spirituality, theology, technology, philosophy and psychology all come together to help us form our own unique individual experiences and our collective futures so please come along and join us HERE for the social input

But until then, wishing you ALL from wherever you are and whatever path you follow a very happy Christmas and divine blessings to everyone for this coming year 2024

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